Saturday, January 22, 2011

Out & About Today

Are all of you staying warm?
When we got up this morning it was -1°.
Now I know that's nothing compared to what all of you in the midwest have been experiencing but for us here it's downright COLD!
Cold and Snowy. We got about 5 inches of snow the other night. It snowed hard for a few hours straight.
Today, we bundled up and ventured out to get our taxes done. Since we were heading that direction I asked hubby if he would stop at Jo-Ann's Fabric so I could get a few pieces of material for my next project.
Ohio Valley Mall in St. Clairsville, Ohio
Needless to say, it's not his favorite place to go but he went willingly. That's what I should have taken a picture of!
Him holding the bolts of fabric as I went back and forth trying to decide what shades of pink I wanted to use.
I do have to say though, he was a good sport!
On our way back home he took me on a country road that I wasn't familiar with.
Of course I had to snap a few pictures.
After we got home and got a bite to eat I decided to take a drive around town with Katie. I had noticed big sheets of ice floating on the Ohio River as we drove to Wheeling this morning so I thought I'd ride down by the river and check it out.
There were a few big pieces out in the middle of the river but not many. Mostly just around the river bank. We got out and walked around a few minutes then made a loop around town and headed back home.
Here's a few pictures taken around town as we headed home.
Old West Virginia State Penitentiary

Grave Creek Mound

Jefferson Avenue - Moundsville's Business Distric

Well that's it.
That's about as exciting as it's gonna get for my weekend.

Now I think I'll spend the rest of the evening working on my newest project. If I get enough done then I'll show you what it is on Monday.
Have a great weekend and stay warm!


  1. I so wanted to get out and take some pics today. Yours are great! Stay warm and enjoy all the snow and cold. Blessings!

  2. Wow.. that's beautiful. My husband has never been in JoAnne's... I'd say I wish he would but he might limit my spending.. lol. Have a great weekend!

  3. Such pretty snowy scenes but I've had enough of it, I went to walmart this morning and it was 2 degrees out, enough already, I WANT SPRING!!!!

  4. Nice tour. And I have to thank you. I used your apple cake recipe you'd posted some time ago and made a cake yesterday for company. It was very good. At first I thought the dough was too thick and heavy, but it turned out great!!!!! thank you again. Your recipes are so good. It made my kitchen smell so wonderful!!!!!!

  5. Love your pictures! Thanks for sharing. My husband will go in Hobby Lobby that's as close as we get. Cold here! -19 with the wind chill~BRRRRR.
    Stay warm~Prim Blessings! Robin

  6. Oh me those are good photos, but makes me colder than I am, we have had some really cold down here too, no snow, but damp and cold.
    Have a very good day, Barbara

  7. It's not quite that cold here, but still too cold to do much running around. I was out earlier and thought I'd run out to the grocery, but will make do tonight with what I have in the house. Keep cozy!

  8. It's just too cold outside that I don't want to go out there! Back when I was in the 10th grade they took us on a trip to see the State Penitentiary and the Temple of Gold! lol That was so scary! I wouldn't let my daughter go on a trip like that these days. What were they thinking? lol

    Stay warm!

  9. thanks for taking us on your adventure...those are always the best photos! Looks like you had a fun day...but i cant believe you dragged your hubby into Joanns...i leave mine at home, or he would rush me...and i dont like to be rushed at Joanns :) hehehehe

  10. Great pictures Jessica. You got more than we did for sure. I have always wanted to come to the state penitentiary for the halloween sleepover thing. I hear it is a lot of fun and very haunted :)
