Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Day in the Country is Worth a Month in Town

That saying is so true.
I've spent the last two days helping my best friend and her husband split and haul firewood in for the winter.
There is nothing like being outdoors in the country, especially on such a nice fall day.
Most of the leaves are off the trees now but the views are still pretty. Blue skies and green rolling hills dotted with a little orange and yellow in the treetops.
Katie went along with me and she had my camera to take pictures throughout the day. So after we got home last night I put them on the computer ~ curious to see what she took.
I found many pictures of us working
and a bunch of repeats of the dumptruck & tractor.
Maybe she's gonna be like her momma and like tractor stuff.
Who knows??
She also took a few pics of the surrounding hills as we were heading back home.
Oh how I wish I lived in the country. I'd never tire of the sights, sounds and smells of the countryside.


  1. Love your post! So true, There is nothing like country living! I have to go back almost every day since moving to the city. What was I thinking!! You can't take the country outa...
    Have a great week! Hugs

  2. I just love the COUNTRY!
    Great post.
    Hugs Trace

  3. Yes I love your post too. There is nothing like living in the country. I live in the rural country, if one wants to call it that. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else.. We've had a pretty day today but the wind is so cold, it stings..Time for the firewood..

  4. We sure did have some nice weather for November:) calling for snow here tomorrow, UGH! Looks like you had fun and hope you didn't over-do it;)

  5. That is so sweet of you to help your friend! I agree about the country. We live in a rural area and don't think I could ever stand to live in town again.

  6. There's nothing like country living! Hugs to Katie; she took some wonderful photos! I love tractors too!

  7. Hi Jessica,
    You looked like you were all having a great time in those photo's and the scenery is so relaxing. There is nothing quite like being out in the country. Regards, Anita.

  8. Love the country too! My husband and son split wood for firewood for a friend too. But your truckload is huge!
