Monday, January 2, 2012

First Flakes and Freezing Temps.

It's a cold and snowy evening!

Hi everyone!
It's been a few days since I last posted. I came down with a nasty headcold with fever and cough and it about whipped my butt for a day or two but I'm feeling better now.

Since today was the last day of our Christmas break I figured I'd better get caught up on a few things before we begin school tomorrow.  Though the kids are wishing for their first snow day of the season. It is snowing but no major amount. Just enough to make the roads a bit slippery and enough to excite the kids.

In the kitchen today:
I baked a few loaves of homemade oatmeal bread (recipe is here) as well as a blackberry cobbler.
For dinner some oven baked chicken.
While everything was cooking I took a little time to work on some sewing jobs.
Black valances created from a full size sliding door curtain.
Rainbow leapard curtains made from bed sheets and I need to add inside pockets and pouches to a few coal mine safety vests for a friend.
I managed to get the black curtains done and that was it. Hopefully I'll get started on the other two projects this week and get them finished.

I didn't get any crafting done the few days that I was sick so yesterday I tried to make up some lost time.
I added several more rows to my "neapolitan afghan".
And I began a new Valentine needle punch. Pattern is from Chestnut Junction!

Hope you all are staying warm. Our temperatures are going to dip into the 20's for the first time this season with wind chills in the teens. Not much better tomorrow. Good days to stay indoor all warm and cozy while working on more sewing.
Have a great evening!


  1. Glad your feeling better..The food looks great. We are freezing to. The winds were pretty bad yesterday and today..
    Your afghan is pretty. They keep you warm while working on them to..
    Take care of yourself and rest...

  2. Hope tomorrow will be even better for you! Lovely colors on your projects!

  3. No snow here, but suppose to be in the 20s. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
    Stay warm my friend!

  4. That nasty virus has been going around everywhere! Glad you are feeling better!

  5. Wow! Sorry to hear that you have been feeling so badly. But happy to hear that you are getting better.

    Yummy, I want to make some bread now. Your food pictures are making me hungry.

    I love your afghan. Those colors together are great. I haven't made one in a long time. And I haven't made that pattern before. I do want to learn how. Can't wait to see it finished. Will you show it here?

    Take care of yourself. Stay warm. :) Janet W

  6. Morning
    SO glad you are feeling better.
    Snow?? Oh I want some :)
    Love all your sewing. I am crocheting too.

  7. That bread and chicken looks so good!!! I am loving your afghan, just beautiful! We got about a foot of snow last night, I'm just glad the kids made it out before we got it, they are home safe and sound but a very long, stressful trip, Tyler cried on the plane and such, which sent Allison into a breakdown of sorts. SO glad your feeling better, and enjoy the snow:)

  8. So glad you are feeling better! We haven't been above 34 today and dipping into the teens for tonight. Sure will be glad when the wind stops blowing though.
    Love your afghan colors! :)

  9. I'm so sorry you have not been well, but happy you are feeling better! Keep warm...we are having very cold NW winds and temp dipped in the 20's, freezing tonight. I've stayed inside wrapped in my blankets with my fur-babies keeping me warm. lol. Love the colors in your stitching and that bread looks yummy! James is drooling over the oven chicken! lol. Please take care of yourself!
    All the best, Loretta

  10. The bread and chicken look yummy! Do you use quick oats or old fashioned? Does it ever really matter which kind?

    Glad you are feeling better and hope you get some more white stuff! :D

  11. Love that beautiful afghan, the colors are wonderful. I got hungry looking at the bread and chicken; better go find me a little snack before bedtime!
