Friday, January 24, 2014

Chilly Silly Snowmen Strip

Here's my January strip of the Quilt Doodle 2014 BOM. I was getting a little worried that I wasn't going to get it finished in time before she posted the new block but I made it.
This was created using a whole bunch of 2 1/2 inch blocks. Since I prefer hand sewing over machine stitching it took me many nights to stitch them all up but I am happy with the end product and can't wait to see next months block.
If you'd  like to join in on the fun you can still get this months pattern for free but not for long. Once she posts February's block you will have to purchase January's from her Craftsy site.
Here at home, it's all about the COLD and SNOWY weather. The kids have had one day of school this week and that ran on a two hour delay. Monday of course was a holiday so they were off. Tuesday, Wednesday and today were all cancelled due to cold temps. or snow covered roads. Here in our area the land is not flat at all. The town that we live in is flat but it is surrounded by hills and those hills can get pretty nasty for travel when the weather gets bad. So schools end up cancelled. 
I remember as a kid we had far worse snow storms yet I don't remember having that many snow days. 
Now a days school gets cancelled for as little as an inch of snow. I think the road crews don't do as good of a job as they used. So that leads me to wonder why. My guess is funding. Go figure!
If our government has anything to do with it then we better not expect much.
I won't get on a big rant but I will say that our government should be ashamed. I think this country would be a better place if they removed all politicians (and lawyers) and replace them with normal people like me and you. We know how to budget and make do with what we have....not by choice.... but because we have to....thanks to our government.
As I said, I'll save that rant for another day so for now I will go. Have a great weekend and stay warm!


  1. Well said, I agree 100%, very scary with what is happening and now that they are taking retirement benefits away from our Veterans what incentive are young folks going to have to join and serve? Love those snowmen, adorable!!! Stay warm!
