Two postings at once!
What's up?
Well I just got another cancellation phone call from Sears and I'm fuming!!!
Remember the new stove that I bought in November (6 months ago)from Sears. Well it is JUNK!
I have had nothing but problems with it and Sears doesn't really seem to care.
I first noticed baking problems when I hosted a Pampered Chef party of all things in my home. The dessert that we made was not cooked completely. After that I began to monitor the oven temperatures and eventually made an appointment for a Sears repairman to come to my home to take a look at it.
That appt. came and went ~ the repairman said he couldn't fix something that was not broken...GRRRR!
It heated perfectly that day.
A month later I called again because my temperature was off again. The lady on the phone scheduled a repair but also walked me through the process of recalibrating the oven.
The same repairman showed up again and agreed the temp. was off so this time he recalibrated it himself.
Another month later my smoke alarms began going off after placing my food in the oven for only 10 minutes. I ran to the oven to find that it wasn't my food that was was my oven overheating BIG TIME!
Again, I called Sears Repair.
They scheduled another repair with a different repairman (at my request).
That day came and went and NO ONE showed up or even had the decency to give me a phone call to let me know that the appt. had been cancelled.
I contacted them and they offered to reschedule in another 7 days.
I'm furious at this point so I told them that I would be contacting the Attorney Generals Office on Monday.
They put me on hold and then came back and offered to replace the stove with a new one.
Not the same stove ( as it is no longer in stock even though it shows it in stock at
They informed me that I needed to pick another stove out that cost more than the old one and if I didn't then that would void the warranty on the new stove and I would only receive the remaining (6 mos.) of the original stove that was purchased in November.
Are you all following me, now?
Confusing isn't it.
After much ranting and raving I finally picked another stove out and paid the extra cost. (May 23, 2011)
Sears said they would deliver the new one, pick up the old one and I would recieve the full 1 year warranty on the new stove.
Delivery date: May 31, 2011
That's today and guess what??
I received yet another call saying that their delivery truck had broke down and they would have to reschedule my delivery for June 4, 2011.
I am SOOOOO mad right now!
I will never buy another big purchase at Sears again.
It's truly not worth the hassle.
If companies can't make and sell quality items and stand behind them then they should just close their doors.
Stop selling JUNK to America!
I will be writing a letter to send to Sears Executives.
I don't anticipate a response to my letter but I feel that they need to hear my story so that they may improve their service from beginning to end!
That's terrible! I would rather a replacement with a different model myself. I would be afraid it would catch the house on fire. I just can't believe they can't get the new stove to you sooner than that! That is outrageous!
That is just despicable! I can't believe the nerve of some of these companies anymore and good for you for writing the letter! And like Angela said, what if it would have overheated so bad it started a fire....ARRRRR! I hope your replacement comes soon ((hugs))
Jessica when you send the letter
send it RM so they have to sign
for it and you will have a record
too, I agree what Carmen and Angela
said..We stop buying from Sears
years ago.. China Crap...
I tell them you want a full refund
and purchase one someplace else...
Hope it all works out for you
We stopped buying from them when we were looking for a snow blower..The big one we have..We asked to deliver and they said they don't deliver anymore for things like that.. So we walked out and bought it at Menards.... I would ask for a full refund...
Do they still have that refund policy if you bring in your merchandise with receipt you get full refund??? I know they use to have it.. I wonder if they still do..
Gas appliances are not to be fooled around like Sears is doing with you..
I hope the next one is better for you.. Lisa
Wow...what a hassle you have been through! I can't believe they made you pay for the extra cost of a new stove - I wouldn't let it end should definitely write your letter and keep writing until they give you a refund on all of it!
jessica that is an eye opener! i am glad you shared this with us. i thought sears was good at customer service but i will think twice before considering a purchase there. good luck and keep us posted! oh, i wish you lived closer to us too. you would love it here! :)
Hurrah for you!!! And Hurrah for you posting this.
Oh how terrible for you. Good idea to write your letter and have them sign for it. I'd put a note that you expect a response back from them!
Take care, let us know how the new one works (when you get it). jo
Jessica, I'm in your corner on this issue too. Sears wouldn't stand behind the products I bought either. My stove and dryer I purchased at our local Ace hardware and they said stand behind anything they sell.
Same for us, no Sears products at our home. Purchased new washer and dryer. Washer will not balance, walked around. Service man said I didn't have the clothes balanced, I informed him after 30 years I knew what I was doing. Then I showed him it walking while washing with no clothes inside. It was never fixed or replaced, drum was to big for cabinet. Lawn mower broke, the same service man came and hubby would not let him touch it. Their products to us are not as good as they use to be.
Good Luck !!!!
Hubby used to work for Sears as an appliance delivery/installer. I think he didn't even last an entire year. There were too many bad things he saw and dealt with, that he couldn't stand being employed there anymore so he quit. Needless to say, we don't shop there! I miss the good old days when things were worth your money.
I know how you feel Jessica. Years ago we bought a washer from Sears. When it broke down we called for a repairman. We were told our warranty wasn't good anymore because we abused our washer! When asked what that meant they said that the last repairman probably didn't want to work on it so he put down that we abused our washer! Was told we could buy a new warranty. We said no thanks and went to Menards and bought a new one.
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