My potatoes are looking much better after last weeks frost. A few of the leaves had turned brown & black but they seem to be doing just fine now. The only other thing that I have planted at the moment are green beans and they aren't doing so hot so when I go to plant my peppers, tomatoes and zucchini I think I will plant a new batch of beans.
So what else is up?
Not much and definitely not much worth blogging about.
We have been working very hard to try to wrap up our homeschooling year.
Almost there now ~ I can see light at the other end.
As better weather arrives it is so hard to keep the childrens' minds focused on their studies. They see the sunshine pouring through the windows and often sit daydreaming of what all they will do once they get the schooling done. The problem is that I just can't seem to make them understand that the more you daydream about it, the less play time you will actually get.
Anyone else struggle with this problem?
I have already ordered and received next years curriculum. I chose ABeka again this year since we have been pleased with it for the past 2 years. I still hope to obtain the reading book through our county but who knows! Sometimes that task is easier said than done. If I don't succeed then I will have to go back and order more through ABeka.
The picture above is Gage's 5th grade materials.
Those below are Katie's 1st grade books.
Katie also has a whole Science Kit that I got from my sister-in-law plus we have a Bible study program that we all will use.
I have lots of work ahead of me. These books give me the base that I need to plan our studies. I will then research, plan and print to put a complete unit study together for each chapter.
It seems funny to me because we are so anxious to finish this school year yet I also look forward to planning the next one. I guess the difference is that I won't be on a definite schedule. I will have the whole summer to work on it.
Well the kids are ready for their next lesson so I will go and catch up with all of you later. Hope you all are having the same nice weather that we are and enjoying it!
Isn't it exciting to see the corn coming up! Your potatoes look fine too-ours got bit by the frost like yours, but it didn't seem to do any lasting damage.
I found out that Larry planted two rows of rattlesnake beans instead of the purple beans I thought he'd planted. So he planted purple beans last week and I'm having him pull up half of the rattlesnake beans and plant some half-runners. I bought the rattlesnake seeds just because I was curious, but these are pole beans and we don't have that many poles-and I don't even know if I'll like them!
We actually have squash about 4 inches long.
Hi Jessica~ your plants look GREAT and those school books look wonderful too:)
Rain seems to help the garden much better than when I water it!
It's great that you've already gotten the school work for next year! I've thought about it, but not bought anything yet!
Your garden is looking great. We are not planting one this year as my folks have planted enough for the county!
I think it's great that you homeschool such a wonderful time spent with your children!
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