Wow, time is really flying by. I've hardly been on the computer at all this weekend and my last post was clear back on Thursday.
Don't know what my problem is, just can't seem to get my butt in gear.
Mom & I went to a craft show this weekend that was held at the high school. She found a few things and so did I.
I picked up the cute bunny pictured above & below. She looks like she is made from an old fence post that has been split in two.
I also picked up this little bunny in a carrot to hang somewhere.
Mom saw this sign and grabbed it for me
She knows how I DREAD doing dishes. Dishes are the worst household chore in my book. Always has been and always will be my least favorite thing to do.
The rest of the weekend was spent at home with the family. The kids were still getting over colds so we were pretty much stuck indoors.
My intentions were to work on THESE fabric eggs for Easter decorations. However, mine turned out nothing like the ones in her picture. Mine kinda looked more like a hacky sak than an egg.
I gave up on that idea and just played around with some scraps until I stitched together a little flower.(in quilt block pic below) My first thought was that maybe I could make a few more of them, place them on a stem and add them to a pretty vase of some sorts for a springtime bouquet. But that thought faded quickly and I ended up stitching a bit more on my heart blocks.
Got to get them finished so that I can begin on March's boot block! (See, I'm behind on that too!)
Yesterday was just a typical Monday.
Lots to do but no drive to get started. Sound familiar?
At the end of the day I did get everything done that I needed to get done. It just took me all day to do it.
After dinner Logan and I had a meeting to go to. His Science class is planning a 3 day trip down state to go exploring.
Some of the sights are:
Coopers Rock
Cathedral State Park
Fairfax Stone
Blackwater Falls
Dolly Sods
Red Creek
Sinks of Gandy
Spruce Knob
Smoke Hole Caverns
Seneca Rocks and more
It sounds like it's going to be an awesome trip and the best part is that I get to go with him as a chaperone. I can't wait!
I've been to a good many of those places before but I'm certain that this trip will be like no other...lots of interesting info to learn.
The kids will be required to document the trip in pictures and in a field guide.
I think it's going to be an awesome learning experience for the kids as well as the parents.
Speaking of learning, I had better get off here. My younger two children are finishing up some schoolwork right now and are about ready to start the next lesson so I better go teach.
I'll be back later to visit all of you're blogs.
I love the bunny! How cute and what a great idea! Blessings!
Those bunnies are too cute and I love the sign too, dishes are the pits! That sounds like a really fun trip, hope you all enjoy it!!!!
Oh man, that's going to be an awesome trip, Jessica. You'll have some fine photos to share when you return, I bet.
Bunny is adorable .....:-)
So cute yes that bunny is to die for ☺, love him, hugs Barbara ♥
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