Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Wow! It's been a busy day around here.
I woke up to my husband in the kitchen making me blueberry muffins.
My absolute favorite breakfast.
Then I went shopping!
SO far so kind of day...
No breakfast to make or dishes to be washed AND shopping all in one day.
This evening we had friends & family over to celebrate Logan's birthday that was actually yesterday.
Now it's time to wind down. We're gonna crash on the couch and watch the movie Fireproof. Hopefully we will both stay awake for the whole thing.

I've been looking at everyone's blogs this week and many have been posting their favorite things that they absolutely LOVE. So I thought I'd list a few of mine.
So here goes: (in no particular order)

1. My family & friends

2. My telephone & computer *DON'T LAUGH* because they keep me connected to my family & friends

3. Snickers candy bars

4. I love, love, love to watch thunderstorms *crazy huh!*

5. A quiet moment to read or sew

6. I love to take walks

7. The laughter of children at play

8. The smell of rain

8. The gathering of my family on Sundays & holidays

9. The sounds of the country at night

10. Driving with the radio turned up when I'm by myself


The Wife said...

Love the list! Glad you had an awesome day. My hubby made me breakfast this morning. It was yummy!

Mrs. H. said...

Hi Country Whispers! Thank you for visiting Heritage Schoolhouse. :-)

Stacey said...

Wow! Sounds like you had one awesome day! I love your list too, actually we have so many, if not all of those things in common. :) Gotta love the country nights, especially in the summer and turning up the music when your driving down the road by yourself letting the wind run through your hair! How fun!!!

Hugs and blessings,

Buttercup said...


Found my way here from Stacey's blog and just wanted to tell you how cute your blog is and love the music.