And the winner is....
Congratulations to Nan over at Ole Crows Nest Journal.
Nan, if you send me your name and mailing address I will ship this right out to you. (My email adrress is on the sidebar!)
It's a cold and foggy morning here in WV so I needed a hot cup of Mocha Latte to get me warmed up. I could have stayed in bed a bit longer but wanted to get my day a rolling.
The kids are still sick with fevers, chills, aches & pains, dizziness, cough and upset tummies. The fever seems to be the big thing. They are staying fevered forever. I'm giving them Motrin every 6-8 hours and it seems like it just starts to come down to around 99 and then it spikes right back up. We'll keep up with the fluids, jell-o and rest and hopefully by tomorrow there will be some improvement.
Well I'm hopping off here. Since the kids are sick we won't be doing any schooling today so I think I'll use that extra time to sit with the kids and stitch the day away while watching some tv. Cartoons, no doubt!
Have a great day!
Oh, a sweeter person couldn't have won your nice giveaway. Nan shares so much, yay Nan, congratulations.
Hope the illness in your family abates soon.
YAY, I love Nan, and agree with Holly, you couldn't have had a nicer winner....CONGRATS NAN:) Hope the fevers come down soon, way too much of it going around, BIG HUGS from me to your lil' sick ones!
Congratulations Nan!!
Jessica, hope your kiddos are feeling better soon. Mine are just now getting over colds. My youngest one rarely runs a fever and if he does it's usually a low-grade one. My oldest, however, can spike a temp to 104 in a matter of minutes and I have to alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen every 3 hours and usually end up having him to put him in a cool bath to keep to down. I just hate it when my kids are sick!
Yeah!!! Oh I am so excited that I won!! I will send you my address right away! :) Thank you so much!
Jessica Here is my email address..I can't figure out how to make this computer email thru the windows program that comes up. So my email is lilylavendar_2004@yahoo.com and I will email you back my address thru yahoo.
I hope your children feel better soon. I know my daughter has been sick over 3 times now since August.
Thanks again...Nan
Hope your kids get to feelin' better soon!
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