I really wasn't anticipating much from the gardens this year due to such a late start from all the spring rains we had. We got past that and finally got seeds and plants in the ground then we got the exact opposite. Hot..Hot weather and very little rain.
So far the zucchini, squash and cucumbers are doing well. The green beans have finally begun producing and so have the tomatoes but the tomatoes are not growing very big.
Not sure if I will even get enough this year to can spaghetti sauce with but I've got cucumbers galore.
Plenty enough to try my hand at making pickles.
These are dill pickles and the tiny jars contain some blueberry jam that I made this morning.
I'm still waiting to see if the jam thickens up a bit more. I tasted it and it's good but a little on the runny side. I guess if it doesn't set up then we'll have blueberry syrup for pancakes, ice cream topping or whatever else we can think of.
It's been a long day in the kitchen so I'm off to relax a bit in the pool.
Have a great evening!
YUM! I planned on going blueberry picking but then it got so hot I kind of decided against it, yours look so pretty!
Looks like things are coming along well. The pickles look wonderful; never been too sucessful at making them myself. Give your jam a little while longer it still might thicken up some, if not refrigerating might help.
All your garden goodies look yummy! I'm afraid that in all the 15 years we've lived on the farm I have only canned one time from the garden. That was tomatoes. I have made peach jelly and canned peaches that I bought at the store a few years ago.
Have a Great Day!
It is so good to see young girl's know how to can....wow you were busy. They look so yummy.
wow...you have been busy...and what a wonderful harvest so far. Our garden also got a late start, but im hoping we will have some fruits of our labor soon :) Enjoy the yummies!
Pretty pickles! What kind are they, Jessica? The jam may thicken up, or as Mama-bug says, stick it in the fridge :) The fruit salad looks good too--very summery and refreshing.
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