If you follow my blog then you all know that Katie was sick with Strep throat last week and went to the ER late one evening. There they prescribed Amoxicillin & by the looks of things bees aren't the only thing she is allergic too!
It began on her legs and a little on her belly and by the next day it had spread to her arms, back, chest and neck.
Today the rash is everywhere and it looks like all the little dots have merged together into one big splotch.
Yes, but I'm giving her Benadryl around the clock so it's not too bad. I'm told it will all begin to fade within the next day or two.
Until then I just have to explain to anyone that sees her that she doesn't have some contagious disease or something.
Oh that poor child! It look bad, I know, and feels even worse! The Benadryl is good, but when I have it, I have to visit Doc to get shots. I have the same reactions to bee stings! My face is covered, in my mouth; and my tongue swells! Its horrible! I hope she gets relief soon!
Bless her heart! That's really bad, prayers are with her.
Praying for your sweetie.
Hugs to Katie!
Oh no, poor Katie:( I can only imagine how miserable she is, hope the Benadryl helps with the worst of it, Ryan had an allergic reaction when he was little to one of those, can't remember the name now, makes you wonder why they even use them on kids:/
The same thing happened to my son when he was young, his eyes swelled shut too. It is miserable but doesn't last too long. It scared me to death when it first happened. Hope she feels better quickly.
Oh ~ Poor Katie ~ My heart goes out to you. I don't like it when kids are sick. All I have to say is play it up ~ you get more popsicles that way!!! Hope your better soon!!
Prim Blessings
Oh no. What a pain for her. I sure hope it goes away fast.
Thats terrible! I had an allergic reaction just like that a few years ago, but I never figured out what it was from!
Oh, poor dear, :(
Benadryl makes me REAL tired. But I think it is the best thing.
I'll be praying that it goes away soon and that she's not be too uncomfortable.
Hang in there Katie. :)
Take care, Janet W
I hope Katie is making a good recovery. Am so sympathetic!
Poor Katie! A few years back my husband was given penicillin when he was sick and he broke out in a rash like that on his chest, stomach and back. We called the doctor and they said do not take anymore of the medicine and start taking Benadryl. He said he'd never had an allergic reaction to penicillin before. So weird how our bodies can all of a sudden be allergic to something. I will say a prayer for her.
Oh, I feel for Katie and you...not a pleasant thing to go through... I had what's called nickel rash (yep from hubby washing his clothes from working in the mine) it's fustrating...but for Katie going from strep throat to this..ugg..that's not easy...hope she's getting better, sending lots of hugs...
Yikes! Hope she feels better soon!
Oh my goodness! Poor thing! First she was sick and then broke out. It looks like it would itch so bad! Hope she's feeling better!
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