The first fire happened right around dinnertime about 2 weeks ago. I heard the fire sirens blowing and looked out my upstairs windows to see the above sight.
This is the same house just taken from the front side. The cause I heard was due to electrical problems.
The second fire happened yesterday morning. The whistle blew over at the firehouse and then moments later I heard the roar of police cars flying up my street. Again I went to my upstairs windows and found this.
Unfortunately the man that lived there was trapped inside his home and died. The news stations reported that the cause of this fire was also electrical. It was due to a frayed electrical cord on a tv.
Such sad happenings and even more sad to think that they may have been prevented. My dad is an electrician and so he has preached to us over the years on the fire dangers of leaving appliances plugged in, using extension cords and so forth. It's simply amazing at how quick something so small can cause so much damage and grief.
Here is yet another example.
This house used to sit right beside ours. It was a duplex that was home to two separate families. About 5 years ago I got a late night phone call from neighbors who told me to get the kids & get out of our house because the house next door to us was on fire.
We grabbed the kids and animals and got out of the house as the fire department was coming up our street. Luckily for us our house was spared from any damage but the people that lived in that duplex lost everything.
The cause ~ an extension cord.
It's better to be safe than sorry.
~Keep a working smoke alarm on each level of your home.
~Change the batteries in the alarms each fall.
~Never leave small appliances plugged in when not in use.
~Never use an extension cord as a primary electric source.
~Never leave the house with a crock pot plugged in.
~and the list goes on.
There are many preventitive measures that you can use but these are just a few that we practice daily and came to my mind first. We also have an escape route planned as well as a place to meet once outside and the kids are told to GET OUT & STAY OUT! ~ NEVER GO BACK IN!
Heaven forbid we'd ever need to use that escape route but again I'd rather be safe than sorry ~ take precautions rather than regret that you didn't.
that's so heartbreaking. friends of ours lost theirs about a month ago, 14 degrees that night, water was frozen in the town lines. they all got out opkay, but lost it all.
That's so sad. I always worry about fire and loosing every thing.
I was taught the same thing as you.. That is sad to hear a life was lost..
My husband many years ago worked for a company who made electric blankets.. He is a quality engineer.. He will NEVER allow an electric blanket in our home..To many caught fire from the wires inside the blanket being bent all the time.. I know they have made improvements over time but he still won' allow one in our home..
That is so very sad. Thank you for all the reminders which are needful on occasion.
That's just terrible! Thank you for sharing the tips, I am guilty of leaving the house with the crock pot on, many times:/
Sympathies to the families affected by the fires. It is sad to lose everything to a fire and sadder still when lives are lost. Praying there are no more fires in your neighbourhood.
Take care. Regards, Anita.
So sad....... I appreciate the tips. We have redone an old home and I can see the importance of making sure we have working smoke alarms and not over using extension cords. Blessings and stay safe!
So sad....... I appreciate the tips. We have redone an old home and I can see the importance of making sure we have working smoke alarms and not over using extension cords. Blessings and stay safe!
We can't be reminded of these things too often. I am pretty good about these things, but know that I leave things plugged in when I go out. My prayers for your neighbors.
I'm saddened that you have lost a neighbor Jessica. It must have been scary for the kids in the neighborhood. Thanks for the warnings and reminders...this is a great post!
So devastating, I can't even imagine going through something like this and I hope I never have to. Thanks for sharing and for the tips!!
So sad ~ I couldn't imagine going through that and losing all my belongings or someone looses their life. My heart goes out to those families.
Great advice/reminders Jessica.
Stay Safe
Prim Blessings
How very sad....thank you for the reminders.
So sorry about the happenings in your neighborhood. Fires are a horrible experience even more so when they could be prevented. The house behind us caught fire a couple of years ago from a bolt of lightning. It was a scary experience for them and us and my dog hasnt been the same since. Every time he hears thunder he freaks right out. Fortunately no life was lost. Praying for your neighbors. LJ
Jessica, how terrible. Two such fires so close to you is sobering indeed.
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