Just another day?
Not at all.
It's my 36th Birthday!
Well I'd have to say 26 would be better than 36, but 36 is better than 46, 56 and so on.
You get my drift don't you?
But then again, it's just a number.
It's all in what you make it.
So here's what I'm making it:
1. A day for ME.
2. I don't have to cook a thing.
3. I don't have to clean.
4. I don't have to wash laundry.
5. I can sit and read or sew all day long.
Now in reality, I will still be cleaning, doing laundry, breakfast & lunch but I WON'T be making dinner tonight. We can go out for that. I do hope to take some extra time out to sit and stitch a bit and after dinner I have some shopping that needs done. All in all, we'll make it a fun day regardless of what we do.
And to JOAN:
Yes I'm getting older, but I'm still not as old as you ! :0)
Hey birthday girl!!!Sounds like you have a great day planned, take time to enjoy it, your laundry will be there tommorrow:) Hey... wanna trade your 36 for my 43??? LOL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!!!!
Thanks CARMEN for the birthday wishes. Sorry though, I don't think I'll trade. Mine will come soon enough. Enjoy your weekend!
Happy Birthday OLD lady! Yep gonna pick on ya all day, since you have picked on me all year! lol I do really hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday! Love ya....Joan
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday - you are still just a young lady!
Hope your day is wonderful - be good to yourself :)
Honey, I'll never see 36 again, you are YOUNG, enjoy it!!! I truly think 36 is far superior to 26!
I like your new picture, your hair looks good.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..."
Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your day you deserve it!!
Hope your day has been a great one. Happy Birthday to you...
Happy birthday across the miles! Hope you had a great day and have a happy and ahead!
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