I've been stitching away in hopes of creating enough "things" to take to a fall craft show or maybe even sell through Ebay, Etsy or blogland.
However, I won't have anything to sell if I don't quit *liking* all the items that I complete.
Yesterday I got several more things finished up and my most favorite yet is this large 13 1/2" X 16 3/4" framed sunflower stitchery. I love it!
A few other small items that I finished are this small (9x5) pillow
and this mini Halloween stitchery.
(Robin~ I used crayons and love the added color that it gives them!)
I have so much fun stitching these. The worst part is finishing them. I have a stack that just need to be framed or made into pillows, bags or what ever else I can think of. The framed items are my favorites but the right size frames are really hard to come by. For instance, I have searched the whole entire valley for a 5X12 frame and of course none can be found.
So I've asked Dad to cut me a plain and simple frame out of pine and then I will paint and finish it. Then I can finally frame this one!
Well *WHO knew* you could use crayons on fabric:O I love the effect it gives! I love the stitchery, I think if it were me I'd have to keep it, LOL, but you can always make another just like it to sell;) Still no baby...they will be inducing tomorrow or saturday! Have a wonderful day;)
I admire anyone that can do enough projects ahead in order to sell them...if {and that is a big if} I ever get anything done, I wanna keep it {{{smiles}}}
Years ago {the eighties} I did a project with crayons on fabric, I loved doing it too!
Hope your day is lovely! ♥
That Halloween pillow is to die for.
They're all beautiful! Be strong Jessica; you need some things to sell! You can turn if loose!
I'm doing a craft show at my church in November and I'm having the same dilema (do I keep or sell???) I guess you just have to see what you have in your inventory. I think what I'm going to do is post a few things in my Etsy shoppe, just to balance it out.
Your stitcheries are so cute!! Keep up the good work!
Beautiful stitcheries! I know how you feel too!
The crayons really worked well!
You have so much talent. I'm finally going to try my hand on some sewing. I don't think I could ever handle a needle as skillfully as you! Oh, sell them! Let others see your creativity. Hugs!
Oh yes keep it!!! You are such an inspiration to me alway's keeping busy. Thank you for your comment. Have a great day.
Oh Jessica they are all beautiful
I would sell them for sure..
Blessings others with our work
of art is go rewarding, you are
so gifted...
Warm Blessings.. "-)
Lovely stitch work. Why don't you offer them all for sale and any that don't sell become yours.
Hi Jessica,
Make another one the same and then you don't have to make the decision!! That's what I do sometimes. Hugs, Anita.
I used to make and sell things at craft shows all the time, but haven't in a couple of years. I just love the Halloween one. It is my favorite.
Oh, you did a great job! I love the sampler the best!
Those are so cute! I love the cat and pumpkin.
Beautiful stitcheries Jessica!!!
I'm glad you tried the crayons ~ and you like the way they look. Now you will be hooked.
I know it's hard sometimes to give away your creations ~ that's why I always make extra's for myself, giveaways, website, special gifts and my booth.
Have a wonderful week!
Happy Stitchin!!!
Prim Blessings
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