Block number three is my favorite so far. I love the colors in it. I'm just using scraps to throw this quilt together with but if I had thought about it in the beginning I would have used these colors throughout the whole thing. Oh well, maybe next time.
Block 4 seemed to take me forever to get all the stitching done but it's finished and looks cute in all the spring-y colors.
I already have block 5 done but I'll wait until I get the bonus block as well as 6 done before I show it.
Speaking of gardens, I finally got mine tilled up yesterday. Well actually I just watched as my husband and son tilled it up. First tilling - not planting for another week or two. It was a busy day!
Friday we hauled in 3 loads of firewood to burn throughout the summer and fall in our little firepit. It all needed split so again hubby and sons worked their tails off to get it all split and stacked. ( I did help them stack it and no that's not all of it. It extends farther to the left than what my picture shows.) Needless to say we have plenty of wood. Probably enough to last us a couple summers.
Well I'm off to spend the rest of my afternoon working on more quilt blocks.
Enjoy your weekend!
Looks like spring has sprung at your house :) The quilt blocks are so pretty, hope you find some down time to work on them :) Hope all is well, Chris is loving his new job :)
I'm loving the blocks so far and look forward to seeing the next one. Yay for all that wood. I wish we had a fire in this house1
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