Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Crock Pot Parmesan Honey Pork Chops

Ooooohhh this was so good!
I've seen this several times on a few different sites and thought the pictures looked yummy but just wasn't sure if it would be something that we liked after reading the ingredient list.
Happy to say it was a BIG hit tonight for dinner.
The original recipe came from Six Sisters Stuff but I was missing a few ingredients so I improvised and used what I had on hand.
Here's my version!

Crock Pot Parmesan Honey Pork

3 lbs. boneless pork chops, each chop cut into 3 strips
2/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese (the kind in a can)
1/4 cup honey
3 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. dried basil
2 tbsp. minced garlic
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 cup water

Place pork strips in a well greased crock pot.
In a bowl, combine remaining ingredients and then pour over the pork.
Place lid on crock pot and cook on high for 3-4 hours and then turn down to low and continue cooking for another 3-4 hours.

The original recipe said to make a gravy with the drippings, water and cornstarch but I omitted that part. We just ate it by itself and it was so flavorful.
This is a definite keeper and will be put on file in my recipe box.
It's always nice to find a new recipe that pleases everyone at the dinner table. (which doesn't happen often)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Risky Connection???

Have any of you visited my blog and received a risky connection message from your anti-virus program??

This morning when I logged on and went to my blog that dreadful message appeared at the top of my screen. The only thing that I had done recently (Sunday) was change the music selection that I had playing on the Mix-Pod box at the bottom of my page. (For any of you that don't know what Mix-Pod is ~ It's the feature that allows you to play music in your blog background.) 

To make a long story short Mix-Pod's music choices come from You Tube (which I'm not a big fan of) so I deleted the Mix-Pod account and as soon as it was removed the risky connection message no longer popped up on me. So I guess I'll just not have any music playing in the background just to be on the safe side or until a better music player comes along. I  wish Playlist still worked on  Blogger but it doesn't :(

I've scanned my computer and thankfully no viruses or spyware were reported. 
However if any of you happen to receive similar messages when visiting my blog please let me know so that I can get to the bottom of it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Leaves of Three, Let it Be!

Oh how I wish I would have heeded that advice!

I cut grass for someone the other evening and while weed eating I ran into a patch of poison ivy.
I came in contact with that same patch about a month ago when we removed some shrubs from that same yard. I managed to get a few small rashes then but I got it good this time around.
I immediately came home and showered up but evidently it was too late. I've got a big patch of it on my back and various places on my legs. (Next time I won't wear a tank top!)
 I can deal with the ones on my legs but the spot on my back drives me nuts because it's about a 4" X 4" spot right in the center of my back and I can't reach it.
Hubby has been slathering me with Caladryl which helps but it needs repeated often and he's not always home to do that. 
So tonight I tried something different.
Alcohol on a washcloth!
After showering and drying off I soaked a washrag with rubbing alcohol and then wiped it over as much of the rash as I could. 
Did it burn??
Heck yeah but afterwards it felt so much better and several hours later I'm still itch-free plus the angry red rash doesn't look so angry now.

Do you have any tried and true remedies for poison ivy?
If you do I'd love to hear them.

Monday, July 23, 2012

First Yard Sale of the Year and a Great Find

Saturday morning I awoke early to head out to some yard sales (the first for me this season).
The Catholic church in our town has a HUGE sale each year and  I didn't want to miss it.
My most favorite find was that box of quilting hoops and stand. Just as I was browsing the last table of sale items I looked up and saw the box. I immediately grabbed it. 
For $2.00 how could I not??
Once home I laid it all out to see if all the parts were there.
Here's what I found.

From what I can tell everything was there as well as several other large hoops and a few small ones.

I managed to bring home a few more things.

I collect this series of Christmas bulbs. Each one has a picture of a special place here in our county and this is one I had never seen. It's got a few scratches here and there but for 10 cents I can't complain.

Growing up my Mom always cooked in Club aluminum pans and they are still a favorite of mine. Here are 3 of the six that I found. All purchased for $4. Several were Club aluminum and the rest were stamped Made in USA...not sure what brand those are. A couple of new handles are needed but that's not a problem as Dad can make me new ones. I'm going to clean these up a bit and if any of them don't clean up to my liking then they will be used for things other than preparing food in.
Not bad for one day of yard sales.

I better get back to preparing school lessons for the upcoming school year. I've put it off all summer but I must get a moving on it.
Have a great day!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Look What a Little Rain Does

It makes the kids go crazy!

We have had a few showers recently but they have only lasted maybe 5 minutes or so and then done.
Not today though!
Hubby called and said it was pouring in Wheeling where he was working. (about 20 minutes north of us) He said the streets were flooded with water as so much rain had fell in such a short amount of time.
I then headed outside to check the weather in our neck of the woods and sure enough there were storm clouds approaching.
We've had so very little rain this summer so this was much needed.
The kids and I went to sit on the front porch and sure enough the rain began.
It was a hard heavy rain and the kids just couldn't resist playing in it.

They ran through the puddles!

They tossed buckets of water!

They even laid in the puddles!
They were soaked from head to toe and very in need of a shower by the time they were done.
The girls on the other hand played it safe and stayed on the porch playing with cars.

Hope you all got a little rain relief today too!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Promises & Border Block 7 all Finished

I'm trying so hard to stay ahead on this block of the month quilt project. You know, I don't need another unfinished project just sitting around....I already have plenty of those. ;0)

So I'm happy to say that the latest block is completed!
This one was  pretty easy with birds and flowers on both sides and just a few simple words in the center.
Now I've got two weeks to wait for the next block pattern to be released so I guess I'll pick my hexagons back up and begin stitching on my flower garden quilt.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Crock Pot Bacon Cheese & Onion Potatoes

I'm still "pinning" on Pinterest and this is one of my very first finds on there. 
Doesn't it look yummy?

Lucky for me I have to get up and get hubby off to work early each morning or this recipe would never happen.
It takes 10-12 hours in the crockpot and we eat dinner at 5:30 so you do the math.
It's awful early to be cooking especially in the summertime when I like to go back to bed and sleep in a little later.

If you'd like the recipe you can find it HERE at Moms with Crock Pots.

I'll be back later to let you all know how well the family liked this new recipe though I can't imagine it not passing the taste test...just look how good it looks.

*Just letting you know that this was a 2 thumbs up recipe. I unfortunately overcooked mine but they were still good and I will be making them again in the future.*

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A week of NOTHING other than Pinterest

It's been one of those weeks!
I've been out of sorts with steady sinus headaches which just really puts me in a mood.
You know the kind of mood that I'm talking about, the one where you just really don't want to do anything at all.
So that is what I have done all week...pretty much NOTHING!
No cooking (at least anything worth blogging about), very little sewing and no blogging. About the only thing that I did accomplish was spending hours and I mean hours on the internet as I sat up a Pinterest account. (yes, I know I'm a bit behind in doing this.)
Eventually I'll place a link on my blog so that you can browse through my favorite finds.

Yesterday was my big once a month grocery stock up trip. My Mom is on vacation this week so she took us. Katie and I both got our hair cut. Katie decided it was too hot for long hair plus she hates having to comb it all out after being in the pool so she went for an above the shoulder cut. I too did the same thing.
After that we began our grocery shopping.
Later in the evening we went out for dinner and then stopped at Jo Ann's Fabric.
My Mom had given me a gift card for there so I decided to use it to buy what other than fabric! (Thanks MOM!!)
I got a good many fat quarters that I can use in my hexagon quilt as well as a new thimble. All that stitching that I've been working on lately really makes the tips of my fingers quite tender. 
Well that's all that's going on in my world. 
Hope you have a great weekend!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Whatcha Doing?

Whatcha doing to beat the heat?

We were fortunate enough (so far) not to lose power with the strong storms last week so thankfully we've had A/C the whole time to keep cool with.
My days have been spent sitting indoors stitching away while watching a little television. 
It's just too hot to do much outside! 
And due to that I am going stir crazy being stuck inside for so long. You  I can only sit for so long.
Snickers has been by my side as I stitch. She loves to annoy me as she tries her best to get into my threads.

I've gotten this much accomplished on my flower garden quilt. 
It's going to be a long project but I'm really enjoying hand stitching each piece together.
The newest block for the Promises and Borders Quilt was released last week but I haven't begun on it yet. I plan on getting started on it on Monday. For now I'm gonna keep working on the hexagons.

So what have you been doing to beat the heat?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Have a Safe & Happy 4th!

Not much going on here.
Staying cool indoors. 
I've got some picnic foods cooking in crock pots and the rest will be cooked out on the grill.
Planning on playing in the pool later this evening and watching fireworks if they are still having them. Not sure if they will though due to the dry condition.
Hope you all have a safe and happy 4th!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Crock Pot Baked Potatoes & The Big Storm

Baked potatoes are one of my favorite sides to any meal but I dread having to turn the oven on to make them during the hot summer months. And yes, I know I can make them on the grill but I think it takes too long and I'm not a fan of microwaving potatoes. 

Picky aren't I ?

I simply wash the potatoes.
Prick them a few times with a fork or knife.
Spray a small sheet of aluminum foil with cooking spray and then wrap the potato up in it.
Place wrapped potatoes in a crock pot. 
Add about 1/2 cup water to the bottom of the crock pot.
Place lid on and let cook on HIGH for at least 5-6 hours.
Now I have to tell you that in 5-6 hours they will be done however  I prefer to place mine in the crock pot and let them cook all day on High. (like about 8 hours)
They come out perfectly steamed!

~The Big Storm~
                                       storm clouds moving in

Thankfully we have power after the big storms that went through the other night. I tried to take a few pictures during the worst moments of it but it was impossible. There was so much dust and dirt swirling in the air that as soon as I opened the door to snap a picture I immediately had to shut my eyes. This was all I managed to get.
Doesn't look bad but trust me it was. There is only one other storm that I can remember being worse than this one.

No major damages here! We lost power only for a brief few minutes however my Mom & Dad (who live right across the street) as well as most of our town were without electric for the rest of that night and part of the next day. Lots of trees and power lines down all around.
                                 Broken tree limb in my parents' back yard

There are still many without power which makes it miserable in this high heat.
The chance for strong storms to come through our area is forecast again for Wednesday. I'm hoping for the rain but I can do without the heavy winds.
Hope you all are staying cool!